Rad140 and YK11: How do They Differ?

RAD 140 and YK11 are two popular compounds in the fitness community. RAD 140 is one of the most used SARMs and is known for providing some impresive lean muscle gains. YK11 is a newer SARM that is far more potent than most SARMs out there, including S23. Let’s see how they compare to each other from a benefits and side effects point of view.

What is Rad140?

​RAD 140 is a popular SARM thas has significant potential for muscle growth, strength enhancement, and improved athletic performance. 

It is known to provide impressive lean gains and to provide good strengh gains as well. For more information go check my in depth guide on RAD-140.

What is YK11?

YK11 stands out as an exceptional and captivating SARM with unique properties.

Belonging to the 19-Nor (Nandrolone) family of steroidal SARMs, it is also supposed to lower Myostatin, which is the ultimate limiting factor for muscle growth. 

In theory these characteristics, make it a very strong and dynamic molecule that can be exploited to break through plateaus and overcome genetic limitations.

Something to note though is that there is very limited scientifical data on YK11 and that we do know very little about this compound.

For more information go check my in depth guide on YK11.

The Difference Between Rad 140 vs YK11

​The main difference between YK11 and RAD 140, is their mechanism of action. Their benefits and side effects profile are also different, let’s see how they differ.

YK11 Mechanism of Action

YK11 is a steroidal SARM of the 19-Nor family (Nandrolone), and a theorized myostatin inhibitor. 

It is shown (from anecdotal data) to be very potent (way more potent than RAD 140) at increasing strengh and muscle mass.

Anecdotal data suggests that it is a compound that work synergistically with other androgen agents. 

RAD140 Mechanism of Action

​RAD 140 like most SARMs works by selectively attaching to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle tissue and bones. 

Side Effects of Rad140

Commonly reported side effects of Rad-140​ are:

Increase in blood pressure: some people will notice a drastic increase in their resting blood pressure even at dosages as low as 10mg per day.

Impaired lipid profile: RAD 140 is known to completely trash your lipids on your bloodwork. 

Androgenic Side Effects:  Many people report androgenic side effects such as heightened aggression, increased libido, and hair loss related to androgens.

HPTA Suppression: RAD 140 is quite suppressive on the HPTA, and I would not recommend running it continuously for more than 4 weeks without incorporating a test base. 

Furthermore, when using dosages exceeding 15 mg per day, using a mild test base like a SERM will likely not be effective due to excessive suppression.

SHBG Crash: RAD 140 will crash SHBG (Sex hormone binding globulin). If you’re already blasting testosterone when deciding to implement RAD 140, beware of the “spillover effect” it will cause by freeing more testosterone.

Liver Toxicity: Anecdotally, RAD 140 was shown to exhibit some liver toxicity (when used in bodybuilding dosages), for this reason I would advise against using this compound for more than 12 weeks straight.    

Side Effects of YK11

​Testosterone Suppression : Anecdotal reports tend to show that it is as suppressive as steroids or S23. YK11 will cause a complete shutdown of endogenous testosterone production even at low dosages, and using a test base is mandatory.

SHBG Crash : YK11 will crash SHBG levels, leading to increased circulating hormones in the body (when used with a test base).

Negative Impact on Lipids : Like, most steroids and SARMs, YK-11 will cause dyslipidemia, meaning your HDL (good cholesterol) will be considerably lower and your LDL (bad cholesterol) higher. 

It is considered to be harsher on lipid panels than most SARMs, and the effects are comparable to that of some oral steroids.

Liver Toxicity : YK-11 is a methylated oral AAS, unlike the other SARMs. 

This means that YK11 is significantly more liver toxic than other SARMs. This is shown on the bloodwork of people who used this compound.

I would heavily recommend against the use of this compound for more than 4 weeks straight. 

Androgenic Side Effects : While YK-11 is not a DHT derivative, reports of androgenic side effects like hair loss, acne and aggression are very common. 

Anecdotal reports show that YK11 is very bad for the hair. If you have male pattern baldness and you’re planning to use it without being on a topical anti-androgen regimen, expect to be losing a lot of hair. 

Blood Pressure Increase : YK11 is notorious for being one of the SARMs if not the SARM that increases resting blood pressure the most.

If using this compound, resting blood pressure and resting heart rate should be monitored very carefully. 

​Dosage Considerations for Rad140 and YK11

In terms of dosage, most RAD 140 users take between 10-30mg per day. The sweet spot where most people get most of the benefits with the least amount of side effects is around 20mg per day. 

RAD 140 has a pretty long half-life and is generally administered once per day.

For YK11, the common dosage is between 5-15mg per day.

When it comes to cycle length, Rad140 is generally used for 8-12 weeks, while YK11 is very rarely used for more than 6 weeks. 

YK11’s half-life is unknown but it is theorized to be very short, so it is taken multiples times during the day (twice or three times a day). 

Final Thoughts on Rad140 and YK11

Just as I mentionned in my YK11 review, I would very probably never use YK11 myself and I think that it is a very sketchy compound. 

​RAD 140 is a weaker compound mg per mg than YK11, but it has some clinical data on humans and is shown to be relatively well tolerated in most people that use it at bodybuilding dosages, including myself.

RAD 140 is a potent enough compound and in my opinion there is no need to use something as sketchy as YK11 unless you’re planning to become the next Chris Bumstead, and even then I would try to get similar results using other compounds before even thinking of using YK.

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After dedicating over 5 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created “GoodLookingAthlete” to help you get on the right path to the “best you” possible too.

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