RAD-140 and PCT: Everything you Should Know

RAD-140 is one of the most versatile and used SARMs in the fitness/bodybuilding community. One of the reasons it is used as much is its high potency for building muscle while being moderately suppressive on the HPTA, making it possible to be used without having to run a full PCT afterwards (in specific conditions that will be disclosed afterwards)

RAD-140 and PCT: Things to Consider

The only way to know for sure if PCT is needed is to get your bloodwork done.

Regardless here are a few things that you should consider before designing your RAD 140 cycles and PCT protocols

RAD-140 is Moderately Suppressive at Low Dosages

RAD-140 is not the most suppressive SARM. When used at 10mg per day or less, RAD 140 can generally be used without having to do a full PCT afterwards.

When used at more than 10mg per day, you will very likely need to do a proper PCT no matter the design of the cycle.

Using a SERM on Cycle

If you’re using RAD 14O you can use a SERM as a test base while on cycle. The compound I would use is tamoxifen (nolva) and I would use it at 10-20mg per day starting from week 5 of the cycle until the end of the cycle. For more information what compounds can be used as a test base click here.

If you use a SERM as a test base, I would advise against going for cycles that are longer than 8 weeks, as the longer the cycle will be, the more suppression you will get.

To make sure that the HPTA is fully restored after the cycle is over, you can keep taking the SERM for an additional 2 weeks after stopping RAD.

Short cycles do not require PCT

If you do cycles that last 4 weeks or less, you very likely won’t require a PCT, but don’t expect to get amazing results just from a 4 week cycle.

Higher Dosages will require PCT

If you do cycles using more than 10mg per day, you will very likely need to do a full PCT afterwards.

At higher dosages RAD140 has been shown to be quite suppressive.

Examples of Protocols

If you’re going to use RAD 140, here are a few examples of protocols you could use.

Protocol 1 : RAD+SERM

Week RAD 140
1 to 85 to 10mg per day
Week Tamoxifen
4 to 8 (or 10) 10 to 20mg per day

Protocol 2 : High dosage + PCT

Week RAD 140
1 to 8>10mg per day

Start a full PCT afterwards using one of the following compounds : 

-tamoxifen (nolvadex)

-clomiphene (clomid)


Here are the dosing guidelines for each compound : 

NolvaWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
Dosage 40mg per day40 mg per day20 mg per day 20 mg per day 
ClomidWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
Dosage 50mg per day50 mg per day25 mg per day 25 mg per day 
Enclo Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
Dosage 25 mg per day25 mg per day12.5 mg per day 12.5 mg per day 

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After dedicating over 5 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created “GoodLookingAthlete” to help you get on the right path to the “best you” possible too.

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