In this post I will detail my experience with RAD 140. I used RAD140 twice, once at a low dose (12mg per day), and once at 24mg per day. If you want to see my full review of RAD 140, I suggest checking out my article on it
Dosing protocol
On my first cycle with RAD 140, I used it at 12mg per day for 12 weeks. I started implementing Tamoxifen at week 4 and took it every day at 20 mg per day to combat suppression. I also used RAD 140 dosed at 24mg per day in another cycle where I ended up using S23 for the last 4 weeks of the cycle.
How does being on RAD 140 feel like
RAD 140 feels like a milder version of S23. It is potent though and I put a good amount of size using it. I felt an increase in libido and aggression, but not nearly as high as with S23. This is a SARM that I would maybe use again at a low to moderate dose (10-20mg). Overall, I felt good and the gains were also decent event at 12 mg per day, but it started getting interesting gains wise when I used it at 24mg per day.
Side effects
My libido and aggression increased a bit (but in a good way). The best way to describe it is that I did not become snappier or anything, it just made me feel more masculine and confident, and gave me more drive to workout and be productive.
On my first cycle where I was using Tamoxifen as a test base, I started feeling suppression at week 9. RAD 140 is suppressive even at 12 mg per day. If you’re going to use a SERM to combat suppression while on it, I suggest not going for more that 8 weeks.
My first time using it at 12 mg for 10 weeks I got this result:
My strength increased by about 20kg (45lbs) on all compound lifts. I am since then able to bench press 95kg(210lbs) for 5 touch and go reps, and I’m able to do neutral grip (full range of motion) pullups for 10 reps with +20kg (45lbs). I’m able to do that while having bad leverages (very long arms), so for me these are already “respectable” lifts.
At the end of the cycle, I added 1 inch to my arm size, while remaining at the same the body fat %.
I’ve put on 4-5 kg of lean mass (9-11lbs).

On my second cycle using RAD 140 at 24mg per day for 8 weeks, I got this result. I’ve put on about 2-3kg of lean mass (4-7lbs). I also did eat in a mild calorie deficit during that cycle, so I could of gained a bit more mass if I was eating a bit more. I gained around 5kg of strength on my compound movements. By the end of the 8 weeks, I looked like that: