PCT Guide

You did a cycle using suppressive SARMs or steroids and you want to know how to do a proper PCT to restart your HPTA, you have come to the right place

What is PCT

PCT or post cycle therapy is a protocol you take, after you stop taking exogenous anabolic agents, to restore baseline HPTA function.

Doing a proper PCT is crucial to preserve as much gains as possible and to expedite the process of returning to a state of hormonal balance

The compounds that should be deployed, the duration of the PCT, and when the PCT should be started will depend on what anabolic agents you were using and for how long.

When to start PCT

Depending on the compounds you were using, the timing of your PCT will vary. 

If you used suppressive compounds that has a short half-life (48 hours or less), you can start PCT the day after your last administration. If you did a SARM cycle you can start PCT the day after the last administration.

If you used a suppressive compound that has a long have life ( 4 days or more), you have to wait between 4 and 5 half lives after the last administration to start PCT.

Let’s say you did a cycle with testosterone cypionate. The half life of Test Cyp is 8 days. You should wait at least 32 days after the last injection of Test Cyp before starting PCT.

What compounds to deploy and at what dosages?

In order to restore HPTA function as soon as possible you need to take at least one of the following SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulator):

-tamoxifen (nolvadex)

-clomiphene (clomid)


Tamoxifen is the SERM that has the least amount of side effects associated with, but is a bit less potent than the other 2. 

Clomiphene is the most potent one but exhibits a lot of nasty side effects, including mood swings and vision disruption (that can be permanent in some cases). 

Enclomiphene is supposed to be clomiphene but with less side effects, because it is essentially clomiphene with a lesser concentration of zuclomiphene (which is the isomer present in clomiphene that seems to be responsible for side effects. In practical application legit enclomiphene is very hard to source, and unless you’re getting pharma grade enclomiphene there is now way to know for sure if you’re not getting clomid instead. 

If you did a cycle of a duration of 12 weeks or less and you did not use 19 nor derivatives (nandrolone or trenbolone) you should be able to recover your HPTA with using just one of the 3 SERMs mentioned. 

The compound I recommend using in that case is tamoxifen (unless you can get your hands on pharma grade enclomiphene), because it has the least amount of side effects and is very potent at restoring normal hormone levels.

If you did a cycle of a duration of more than 12 weeks or if you did use 19 nor derivatives (nandrolone or trenbolone) you should stack Tamoxifen with either Clomiphene or Enclomiphene. 

Each one of these SERMs have a long half life so they can be dosed once daily. 

Dosing guidelines : 


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4


40mg per day

40 mg per day

20 mg per day 

20 mg per day 


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4


50mg per day

50 mg per day

25 mg per day 

25 mg per day 


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4


25 mg per day

25 mg per day

12.5 mg per day 

12.5 mg per day 

If you still feel suppressed, or if you did a very long cycle (more than 16 weeks) you can prolong your PCT by 2 weeks (same dosage as week 4). SERMs have side effects of their own and they also exhibit some liver toxicity. I would not advise using them for more than 6 weeks straight.

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After dedicating over 5 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created “GoodLookingAthlete” to help you get on the right path to the “best you” possible too.

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