Looksmaxing is something that you hear about more and more on the internet. To get laid consistently you must be hot yourself. In addition to being attractive to women there are other social benefits to being attractive. Here is where to start you looksmaxing journey.
Basic Hygiene Stuff
The first thing that you need to get covered is looking like someone who has at least decent hygiene, who smells good, or at least doesn’t smell bad and who doesn’t have bad mouth hygiene or weird looking teeth.
Get Lean
To look good, you don’t need to be crazy lean necessarily, but you should at least be 15% body fat (you start having ab definition) or less.
This is not only important for bodily attractiveness but also for facial attractiveness. The leaner you are the more defined, angular, “bony” and better your face will look.
That’s why 99% of male model are super lean (they’re 12% body fat at most and often way less).
Save Your Hair if you Start Losing It/Fix your Acne if you Have bad acne
I’ve seen a lot of bullshit on this topic, like how losing your hair will make you look like Jason Statham, or that you don’t have to worry about losing hair and that you will still be just as attractive…
Truth to the matter is:
A full head of hair makes you more attractive.
Is it over if you’re bald and do nothing to recover your hair? No, but it will be a bit harder for you.
Does this mean that you should focus on having a perfect Norwood 0 hairline?
No, you should focus on having a good, healthy looking head of hair.
Basically, you must look like you have hair and that you will probably not lose most of it in the decade to come.
I have a Norwood 2 hairline with some very mild diffuse thinning on top (almost unnoticeable at that point) yet I get a decent amount of compliments on my hair/hairstyle from girls I hook up with.
If you want to know how to keep your hair when you start losing it, go check my hair loss guide.
Also, acne is something that can be addressed by pharmacological intervention.
I do not know a lot about this subject because I never really had any acne (even on steroids).
But from what I saw this guide might help you if you have bad acne.
Start Building an Attractive Body
A lot of communities on the internet, like blackpill communities make it seem that the only thing that is important is the face and that if you don’t have an attractive face “it’s just over bro, going to the gym is just coping”.
Some other communities, like redpill, over emphasize how jacked you need to be to have an attractive body.
In reality the types of bodies that women generally tend to prefer are bodies that look moderately muscular and very lean.
Then you also hear that girls don’t care that much about a man’s body and that it is just the icing on top, or you even hear that it is unattractive if a guy has a muscular and ripped body.
Where does the truth stand on that? Well from my personal experience I can tell you that:
-some girls just go wet at the idea of having a guy with a muscular and ripped body banging the shit out of them,
-some girls are moderately turned on by a muscular and ripped body,
-some girls don’t care that much about a guy’s body (if the threshold of what they consider decent is met).
To give a rough estimate I would say from my observations that 1/3 of girls fit in the first category, 1/3 of them in the second, and the last 1/3 of them in the last category.
Everything else being equal, if having a nice body will make at least 1/3 of the women you will potentially sleep with way more attracted to you an turned on, I think you should get a muscular and ripped body (if getting laid is a priority for you).
Here are some examples of bodies that look very attractive to women:

Dress Like a Man who gets Pussy
Out of all the things I mention in this guide this is probably the least important one but is still pretty important.
It is very important to have a decent sense of style and to dress in a manly way, in a way that suggests that you get pussy.
Something that is very important when trying to hookup with a girl (apart from her finding you sexually desirable and being able to vibe with her) is having a strong frame/presence.
Dressing in a way that suggest that you get pussy makes it more likely for the girl to assume that you have a strong frame/presence.
If you want some examples of what I mean when I say “dress like a man who gets pussy” this is what I mean (it’s me in the first two pictures btw) :