Be or Become Above Average Looking
Tinder’s gender ratio is very heavily skewed in the favor of women. There are way more dudes than girls.
What does this mean?
It means basically that because there are way less women than men on this app, the average women will have way more success and matches than the average guy while having the opportunity to be “ultra selective”.
What does this mean for us men?
It means that if you’re “average looking” at best you’re likely not going to be doing very well on this app no matter how optimized your profile is.
The goal here is being “above average” looking. You don’t need to be a giga chad to have success on these apps.
Why am I saying that? Well, the average young guy in western countries has an average/normal looking face and is 20% body fat or above.
The average guy that will make most of your competition on this app will just be a skinny fat or fat dude who will not be particularly gifted in terms of facial attractiveness.
This is what the average westerner in his twenties looks like:

Trust me, most of you don’t have to be ultra-attractive with an amazing body to be significantly better looking than that.
If you don’t know how to start your looksmaxing journey go check my article where I discuss the fundamentals of looksmaxing as a man.
Take Amazing Pictures
Most Guys on dating apps are average looking at best and have shitty pictures where they look even worse than in real life.
This will not yield good results trust me.
If you want to have success on this app, you will need, in addition to be above average looking, to have between 3 and 5 amazing looking pictures of you.
What makes an amazing picture? A combination of factors:
-You need to look as good as humanely possible
-You need to look masculine
-You must have a natural body language/pose (not look try hard)
-Your style/grooming must be on point
Examples of some Pictures I use on my profile:

If you Have a Nice Body Show It Off
If you are in very good shape, you should show it off in my opinion.
Don’t be afraid to be seen as a “douchebag”.
Most girls like men who are muscular and ripped no matter what they’ll tell you.
You don’t have to be huge, if you have at least a decent amount of muscle and if you have visible abs girls will think that you have an amazing body.
In terms of body pics, my recommendation would be to use one or two.
Don’t flood your profile with an absurd amount of body pics.
You can use beach photos, photos taken at the swimming pool or even shirtless selfies (it is the most “polarizing” option though).
This is the Picture I use:

Make a Polarizing and Sexual Bio
This is not as important as the other factors but still has relevance.
Most guys have a boring bio and “play it safe”. My advice is don’t play it safe and try to make a bio that has some sexual elements to it but do it in a somewhat subtle and funny way, in a way that is relatable to girls and where it doesn’t look too “try hard”.
I’m a French guy from Paris but this would be a translated version of the bio I use:
Paris |6ft
Origins: Eastern Europe
Strengths: fun, fit, dominant
Weaknesses: cute faces, nice booties
Hidden Talent: whispering dirty words in my native tongue.
Just say hi, I’ll do the rest
My bio is very sexual/douche baggy. You don’t have to go as sexual, but it’s a good example on how to make a short bio that has a lot of sexual hooks and a bit of mystery to it.
The goal of your bio is to give girls a reason to talk to you beyond your physical appearance, and to frame yourself as a masculine and “sex worthy” man.
The more “masculine” and the more of a sexual vibe you give from your profile pictures, the more sexual you can go in your bio.
Buy Boosts
If after doing all the things I’ve mentioned you start getting matches but not as many as you would like, then a good way to increase your matches is to buy boosts.
One caveat is that for boosts to be effective, you have to be getting matches already.
When looking into buying boosts, you should look at the prices both on the mobile and browser app.
Tinder has an algorithm that determines how pricy they are going to be for every individual user.
Every once in a while, when I buy boosts, I usually buy them from the browser app (on my PC) because it is significantly cheaper than buying them from the mobile app.
That might not the case for everyone, that’s why I suggest you check both before buying them.
I noticed that Tinder Boosts works the Best:
-On Friday nights from 10 PM to 2 AM
-On Saturday nights from 10 PM to 2 AM
-On Sunday Evenings from 7 PM to 10 PM