Fat to Fit : My Amazing Transformation Explained

Hi, I’m Alex and in this post I’ll explain the physical transformation I’ve made so far: my journey from ‘Fat to Fit’. To give the most accurate representation of my transformation, all the pictures in this post were taken without having a pump and without trying to find the perfect angle.

The Context Behind my Transformation: 

I put on a ton of fat after I quit smoking about 2 and a half years before starting my transformation. I became a fat sedentary. 

I wasn’t “morbidly” obese or anything, but I felt ugly, non athletic. Sport used to be an important thing for me, as it was almost the only outlet I used to have in this period of my life (which was the shittiest part of my life btw).

If you’re curious to know more about that you can always go check my story.

Anyway, I did not like what I saw in the mirror, and I hated the way I felt when I was doing sports every once in a while. While being fat, I also noticed that I received less attention from girls than when I was leaner and in decent shape.

That’s when I realized something had to change. I put on all that crap weight, it was now time to lose it, so I could get laid more (and more easily) and also be athletic again so doing sports will feel amazing again.

That’s what I looked like before starting my transformation:

First Step: From fat to Skinny

This post isn’t really about “looksmaxing”, but as a guy if you’re going to improve your appearance to be seen as more attractive to girls, the first step should be to get lean, even if it is going to make you look skinny at first (before building muscle). 

That’s why I made it my absolute priority to get skinny first. And like any normal person would do I did a slow and methodical/healthy… no just kidding guys 😂, I did the most extreme, unsustainable crash diet, that I somehow managed to adhere to for almost 5 months straight. 

During the first month, I restricted my calorie intake to less than 1000 calories per day, resulting in a significant weight loss.

In essence, my diet mainly revolved around periods of fasting and occasional consumption of lean meats when hunger became overwhelming. 

On certain occasions, I would also have 3% fat Greek yogurt to “satisfy” my hunger. I was basically starving myself.

Subsequently, I transitioned into a moderate calorie deficit of approximately 700-1000 calories per day for the following three months.
As I approached my holiday plans, I committed to an intense one-month cut, where I got back to starving myself.

Also I made sure to do as many steps as possible every day, but I did not do any sports, except for very rare occasions. The hunger I get from physical activity makes it way too difficult for me to “starve myself”. 

Short story, I lost 40 pounds of fat in 5 months!

This diet (if you can even call it a diet) was freaking horrible. When I was « starving myself » I had a 24h/7 headache, hunger was obviously through the f*cking roof, I had insomnias almost every night. 

Even when doing more « moderate » calorie deficits, I was still hungry as hell.

The only thing that kept me going was, the dream that after all that I’m going to be way closer to getting my dream physique, the physique that would make women drool over me.
Also the thought of being an athletic guy again, getting a resting heart rate below 60, and being able to enjoy doing sports that require good cardio with ease, helped me get there. 

This is what I looked like at the end of this “cut”: 

Second Step: From Skinny to Jacked

Now that I got lean again and that the looks of women around me increased drastically, the logical step is to now go on a slow and steady bulk to put on some muscle slowly and steadily.

That is obviously what I didn’t do.

No, instead what I did is start a 6 days a week Arnold split, while being on a SARMs cycle in the second week after starting the gym. Because that’s what normal, I mean crazy people do.

You see, during the time I was starving myself I read and watched everything and anything there is to know about training, building muscle as a natural, SARMs, steroids, peptides and how to get jacked in the quickest way possible, while keeping the side effects and the negative health ramifications caused by them as low as possible.

If you want to get jacked “naturally”, it’s going to take a long time (2 to 3 years to achieve a good physique), and you will also have to do long bulking phases, with cutting phases in between which are a huge pain in the ass. That’s why I used SARMs from the get go.

I’m not going to detail the cycles I’ve done in this post, but you can check my SARMs transformation for that.

What I’m going to do instead is share my results, which in my opinion were pretty damn impressive. To be honest, I did not expect that much from the small dosages I was taking. I would have been happy, even if I got half of the results.

I basically gained almost 30 pounds of lean mass in 7 months, while staying at the same body fat percentage.

This is what I looked like:

Third Step: Fat to Fit, a Goal Finally Achieved

This is the last step of my physique development so far. After coming off of SARMs and doing a PCT, I did a 2 months cut, a proper cut this time, where I was eating in a small calorie deficit and lost weight pretty slowly. 

I did not keep the muscle “fullness” the SARMs I was on gave me, I also lost a bit of muscle, but still I was able to achieve a pretty fit and lean physique (12-13% body fat), the leanest I’ve ever been so far. 

I looked like that:

Fourth Step: I hoped On Steroids

At this point this is my best physique so far :

With a Pump
Without a Pump

Last Thoughts/Goals for the Future: 

I still have a good way to go, both in terms of putting on mass and getting leaner. I will probably do some more experiments (that I will fully document on this site of course). 

If there is something to take away from this post, it is that you don’t necessarily need to go as “extreme” as me. You can take a slower and steadier approach to transforming your body.

I’m an extreme person. I don’t like “slow and steady”, hell I can’t do slow and steady. That’s why I did it the way I did. 

But you don’t need to take SARMs or PEDs, at least not right from the start. But you should know that they work! 

Not only that, but they also aren’t as toxic and as bad for your health as most people think (If safer use is taken into consideration) .

Also, if you’re going to “take stuff”, don’t necessarly expect your results to be similar to mine. If you look closely at my before and after pictures, I have decently long clavicles and a big rib cage to begin with, which gives me a pretty big advantage on most people when it comes to putting on mass and looking big.

Even though it is certainly not “unheard of” for a lot of people to get similar or even better results, it will not necessarily happen. So keep your expectations reasonable!

About Me

After dedicating over 5 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created “GoodLookingAthlete” to help you get on the right path to the “best you” possible too.

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