As the title says this is the epic transformation I’ve made since touching SARMS (or PED’s in general). This transformation occured in 7 months
This article is made to document my lifting journey. To give a bit of context I have been a complete sedentary for multiple years before starting this transformation but I’ve weight trained in the past and have done a lot of sports until covid hit (I’ve done boxing for 5 years, rugby XV, and MMA) and I knew how to train pretty optimally and hard.
When I started lifting again this year I took it extremely seriously and aimed to put on the most amount of muscle in the quickest time possible while not hindering my health to an “unreasonable degree” so I jumped straight into anabolics, more particularly SARMS. During multiple years I’ve looked at a ton of information on anabolics and PED use in sports and this shit always fascinated me given my sporty background.
From most of the data I gathered and all the research I’ve made I concluded that if used sparingly and sporadically a lot of PEDs and anabolic agents are not that bad to your health and the risks often praised by the mainstream media are unjustified.
Something to consider is that I may have above average genetics (I pack muscle and strength very easily) and I started off with a pretty big frame (wide clavicles) and I also have really long muscle insertions and good muscle bellies with not a lot of tendon which makes me look bigger that what I actually am.
Starting Body
I started at 75kg (165lbs) for 1m82 (6foot) at around 15-17% Bodyfat, my arm measurement was 33cm (13 inches). Here is how I looked like :

First cycle
Compound used Lgd 4033
Week 1 and 2 : 5mg a day to assess tolerability
Week 3 to 8 : 10mg a day.
Week 4 to 8 : 20mg of tamoxifen citrate (nolva) to combat suppression and restore normal hpta fonction at the end of the cycle.
I’ve put on about 4-5kg (9-11)lbs of lean mass.
Arm size got to 37cm (14,5inches) and I stayed at the same body fat.
No feelings of suppression, tamoxifen was enought for me to keep the lights on as to speak and keep testosterone and estrogen in a resonable enought range not to feel like shit.
No bloating noticed, no real mental effects noticed it just made me progress 3-4 times quicker and I added about 20kg (45lbs) on all of my compounds lift with the form of the lifts getting significantely better and more controlled with fuller range of motion.
By the end of the cycle I looked something like that

Second Cycle
Compound used Rad 140
Week 1 to 12 : 12mg per day
Week 4 to 12 : tamoxifen 20mg per day
Week 12 to 14 : tamoxifen 20mg per day
I went slightly higher in body fat, probably around 16-19%.
I had a dryer leaner look even while being less lean.
I felt a bit more agressive and a bit hornier. This marginal increase in agression and libido made me feel very good mentally while on cycle.
I started feeling suppression at week 9 or 10. At more than 12mg per day of rad and for a duration of more than 8 weeks, it seems that tamoxifen on its own as a “test base” isn’t great to say the least.
My strengh increased by about 20kg (45lbs) on all compound lifts. I am since then able to bench press 95kg(210lbs) for 5 touch and go reps, and I’m able to do neutral grips (full range of motion) pullups for 9 reps with +20kg (45lbs). I’m able to do that while having bad leverages (very long arms), so for me these are already fairly “respectable” lifts.
At the end of the cycle I was weighting 90 kg (198lbs) for 17-19% body fat.
Arm size went to 39cm (15,35inches).
I already looked pretty big in clothes, perception of women around me changed pretty noticeably (get checked out way more often), I even had a girl I slept with say I look like captain america and that my body looks really nice.
I looked like that :

Cycle 3
Protocol used :
Week 1 to 8 : rad 140 dosed at 24mg per day
Week 8 to 12 : S23 dosed at 20 mg per day
Hcg 250 iu EOD during the whole cycle.
During the cycle I was in a mild calorie deficit of about 200-400 calories per day while eating about 3500-3800 calories per day ( I was really losing fat while eating that much, I shit you not !). I started the cycle being around 90kg at about 17-20% body fat and ended up at 88-89kg at around 15-17% body fat. I lost about 2-3 kg of fat while getting stronger at the same time.
My arms got to 40,6cm (16 inches).
I looked like that :

*all pictures were taken without a pump and without flexing for hours and trying to find the “best angle”.