How to Design Your First SARMs Cycle

You started lifting at the gym, got your training and diet on point but you want to speed up the process, here is how to do it using SARMs


In this article I will go in detail on how to design your first SARM cycle, what the potential side effects are and how to avoid or mitigate them. Keep in mind that taking SARMs is not healthy in any capacity even if you don’t get any debilitating side effects and even if you feel good while on them. These compounds will still at the very least trash your lipids during the cycle and could cause some liver and kidney toxicity. Use this guide at your own risks.

Compound Selection

For your first SARM cycle here are the compounds I recommend using:
-LGD 4033.

Ostarine is milder in terms of effects and muscle building potential but also less suppressive on the HPTA. LGD 4033 is stronger but also more suppressive. Both compounds have a half-life of about 24h so they need to be taken only once a day.

Cycle Design

Cycle Length
The length of your cycle will depend on whether you’re going to be using a test base or not. If not don’t go for more than 6 weeks. If you’re using a SERM (like nolvadex or clomid) as a test base, then you can go up to 8 weeks and you should start taking the SERM at week 4. If you’re going to be using test or HCG as a base, you can go for a longer cycle.

Dosing Guidelines
No matter what compound you’re using you want to start with a very low dosage to assess tolerability and then titrate your way up to a low to moderate dosage if you don’t see any noticeable side effects. A good practice would be to start with 5mg a day for the first 2 weeks and then go to 10mg a day for the rest of the cycle.

Example of my First SARM Cycle

Week 1 and 2: LGD 4033 5mg (dosed once)
Week 3 to 8: LGD 4033 10mg (dosed once)
Week 4 to 8 : Nolvadex 20 mg (dosed once)
For reference on this cycle I’ve put on 4-5kg (8-11lbs) of lean mass.

Side Effects Management

The risk of you experiencing Gyno from low dosages of SARMs is very low, but it could still happen. If it happens it would happen at the beginning of the cycle due to the decrease in SHBG caused by the SARM which in turn leads to an increase of free unbound Testosterone which then aromatizes in estrogen. If you start having puffy/sensitive nipples you have 3 ways you can act on it:
-take nolvadex (20mg a day) throughout the whole cycle (because this SERM selectively targets breast tissue estrogen receptors)
-take a low dose of a mild AI like arimidex (start with 0,5 mg twice a week)
-end the cycle

Blood Pressure and Resting Heart Rate Increase
This should not happen with low dosage of SARMs but It still can If you’re a very poor responder. If when you measure your resting BP you see a constant and drastic increase stop the cycle Immediately. The same goes for your resting heart rate. 

Liver Related Side effects:
The liver toxicity of these compounds is very low especially at dosages that are low, but some people might still experience liver toxicity related side effects those are:
-loss of appetite
If you feel that your appetite is heavily suppressed during the cycle, stop the cycle immediately and look into getting bloodwork. If you get jaundice stop the cycle immediately and go straight to the ER, because you’re in big danger!

Low Libido/Suppression Related Symptoms
If you feel suppressed at the end of your cycle, then you can take a SERM like Nolva or clomid for 2 weeks. I would dose Nolva at 20mg ED and Clomid at 25 mg ED. If you still feel those symptoms after that go for 2 more weeks.  

What to Expect from your First Cycle

You can expect to see a drastic increase in muscle mass and strenght (+10-25kg on compound lifts). You can gain anywhere from 2-6kg (5 to 13lbs) of lean mass depending on how good your training and diet was, your individual response to the drug, how advanced you where when starting the cycle.

Best Sources to Buy Quality SARMs, PCT Drugs and Ancillaries

Those are the best sources I know for quality SARMs, PCT drugs and ancillaries


These are the general guidelines you should follow if you want to take SARMs for the first time. I would advise you to make as much research as possible before taking SARMs (if you’re set on taking SARMs) not just reading this article.

About Me

After dedicating over 5 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created “GoodLookingAthlete” to help you get on the right path to the “best you” possible too.

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